When God plays hide and seek

Zach Marino
4 min readFeb 1, 2019

You probably know the game well. One person closes their eyes, counts to 20, while the rest hurry away to find the BEST hiding spot, ever. Hide N’ Seek. The classic kids game that well, has lived on throughout the generations. You wonder why that is. You wonder what intrinsic value this seemingly innocent and childish game has that has kept it around for generations?

Designed Seekers.

You and I were wired to seek. You and I were created with the default setting to search, discover, explore. We want to find the best rated restaurant, the best rated movies, the best of everything. We are seekers who are constantly looking for something. And we don’t mess around when it comes to the important stuff, am I right? You know, stuff like a job, a spouse, a house, a mouse, a blouse (whoah, too much rhyming…). But seriously, when it comes to the big stuff, we take seeking seriously because well, those usually have the greatest meaning in our lives. Yet if we are all honest, it’s usually in those times we struggle the most because the seeking is easier than the finding. What we are looking for isn’t always behind the first, second, or even third door. Sometimes we need to get to door15 before we find what we are seeking. Why is that? I love the bible. It has an answer to everything. Check out this passage.

“It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out.” -Proverbs 25:2

The Perfect Concealer.

We don’t find what we are looking for right away becauase we bump into the divine concealer. Notice it doesn’t use the word “hider.” God isn’t hiding from us, or hiding something from us. Hiding has to do with fear. Rather, God is “concealing” things. What does this mean? The word “kabowd” is used to translate this phrase “It is the glory.” However, that word can also mean, “From His abudnant riches.” You see, when we are seeking out clarity on any big decision in life, God, in his eternally abundant wisdom and power, will only reveal to us finite creatures what He knows we can handle. If God tried to impart his infinite wisdom on our finite minds, we would be crushed in a nanosecond. Therefore we now have a new perspective on God being the perfect concealer. He is not concealing knowledge or direction or will because he wants us to struggle without cause. Rather, He is graciously giving us what we need, when we need it, and not a nano-second sooner or later. What is our response to this perfectly gracious and mighty act of God?

Honorable Seeker.

When we recognize this about God, a few responses should come about.

  1. We celebrate and give great glory to God! When God’s gracious act of concealing is understood in a loving act with us, his created creatures, our response should be great praise and celebration of how awesome He is! You see, it is the glory of God to conceal because when God conceals, He’s doing it out of love and grace, and when we encounter this, we in turn show the world just how glorious is our God!
  2. We become an honorable seeker. Just like in this passage of Proverbs 25:2, the most honoring thing a king could do is seek the infinite wisdom of God. To live an honorable life to God means we seek wholeheartedly the plans and wisdom of God. We clutch the feet of Jesus more tightly as we ask Him to intercede for us; We cling to the power of the Holy Spirit in greater desperation as He prays for us in words and intent we can’t even begin to imagine. Our posture toward God is a seeker, expecting to receive just what they need, at just the right time. This type of life is honorable, a life that God recognizes as glorifying and worthy of the name of Christ.
  3. We joyfully release the drive to know all. You know the phrase well, “Knowledge is…….Power.” We want power. We want to know stuff because well, we are then knowledable to make decisions and be influential. Yet we were created to joyfully live as seekers and receivers of God’s gracious gifts. We cannot seek power and live joyfully as an honorable seeker of God’s infinite wisdom. When we are truly seeking God’s wisdom, His direction, His Power, His plans, we will find ourselves celebrating Him, glorifying Him, and being perfectly content as one not in control, but rather being guided by our all-powerful, all-wise, all-perfect, all-loving God.

So, wanna join?

God is waiting for you to simply seek His eternal wisdom and celebrate His amazing glory. Do you have a big decision coming up? Have you been seeking God for something but don’t have answers? Stop and first, praise God for being completely wise, powerful, loving and gracious. Let the eternal view of God speak quiet tones of confidence and belief in the perfect revelation of God’s Will when He communicates it at just the time.

